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Mosaic Designs

Working on the Mosaic Designs website was different from our usual fare, which had us very excited. Typically our clientele consists of people looking to revamp their website or brands whereas Melissa wanted us to build one from the ground up.

Prior to working with us, Melissa already had been in contact with another company to build Mosaic’s brand, website and social media presence however she felt anxious with the product and decided not to launch. Years later Melissa still recognized the importance of branding and a public facing portfolio and decided to go with us. 

To avoid her previous situation and create her a brand she could be proud of, we sat down with her and took the time to narrow down what kind of style would suit her best before hitting the drawing board. We also made sure to involve her closely in the design process since she’s more design savvy than the average client being an interior designer. 

oh hello you
creative agency.
Delivering high-quality projects for international clients. Ask us about digital, branding and storytelling.

7966 Lakefield Dr
